A free mini-course led by Elissa Weinzimmer, founder of Voice Body Connection
Let me guess.
You’re here because you want to be more vocally confident.
You’re not alone.
In fact, public speaking is peoples’ #1 fear - even bigger than death.
But really, this fear goes even deeper than our ability to speak… it’s about our challenge with being seen and heard.
Our voice is a powerful tool.
It helps us connect.
It protects our boundaries.
It develops intimacy.
Our voice is how we share our truth.
This is very vulnerable for all of us. So know that if you struggle with your voice, it’s completely normal. But your voice is more important than ever.
Join me for a free at-home learning experience to unlock your expressive, authentic voice.

Learn the Voice Body Connection process, to help you understand and share your truth.

About Elissa
Elissa Weinzimmer is the founder of Voice Body Connection, empowering speakers and singers to have healthy, powerful voices. Through her courses and podcast, she has helped thousands of students to find their voice and speak their truth. Elissa has coached for Google, eBay, WeWork, and Equinox, and has been featured by Business Insider, Authority Magazine, Career Contessa, and Healthline.