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Shoulder, Neck, and Jaw Tension Release (Sound)

how to warm up Apr 11, 2018

Today’s How To Warm Up video is going to be useful for a lot of us… because I can’t remember the last time I encountered a human who said: “Wow! My shoulders, neck, and jaw are SO relaxed!!” 😆

If you’re like the rest of us, then you too have tension in your shoulders, neck, and a jaw. And guess what my friend… that’s affecting your voice. So I highly recommend you do this simple sequence of three exercises once a day to undo those patterns of tension.

Check out the “Shoulder, Neck, and Jaw Ten...

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Breath of Fire (Breath)

how to warm up Apr 05, 2018

In today’s How To Warm Up video, I’m covering a breathing technique from yoga called Breath of Fire!! 🔥

Breath of fire, which is called kapalabhati in Sanskrit (that means skull-shining breath 👽🌟) is used as a technique to move energy upward in the body, or make the coiled kundalini ‘snake’ begin to rise🐍.

Breath of fire is practiced in and out through the nose, and even though we breathe through the mouth when we’re speaking or singing (certainly on the exhalation, and I would argue on the in...

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The “Notice what’s in the room” impulse exercise

how to warm up Mar 30, 2018

We’re back at the top of the loop of the How To Warm Up video series! So today we dive back in with an exercise about how to follow our Impulses. I love using this exercise as a way to get my creative juices flowing, become really present, and practice connecting impulse all the way into speaking. I like to call the exercise “Notice What’s in the Room.” Check out this simple and highly effective technique!

Check out the Impulse Warm-Up here:

It’s entirely possible something hilarious might com...

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Release on the Inhalation (Breath)

how to warm up Mar 29, 2018

Our How To Warm Up video is longer than usual today. Why? Because it’s one of the most important exercises I teach, and I think you deserve to understand it fully! The exercise is called “Release on the Inhalation” and it’s for your breathing. It will teach you how to take an easy breath, which is incredibly important for speaking or singing without excess effort. I could go on and on about how this exercise will transform your ability to perform with confidence, ease any anxiety, and teach your...

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Easy Onsets (Sound)

how to warm up Mar 15, 2018

Have you heard of something called a glottal attack? It sounds violent, and in fact it can be for your vocal cords! A glottal attack (also called a glottal onset or glottal stop) is when you press your two vocal cords together firmly, and then explode them apart to begin making sound. It makes a sort of clicking or popping noise… Britney Spears does it at the beginning of the phrase when she says “Oh baby baby” in this song, and every time Michael Jackson grunts in Billie Jean it’s a glottal sto...

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Notice What’s In The Room (Impulse)

how to warm up Mar 08, 2018

Today’s warm up exercise is very powerful for connecting your impulses to your ability to express yourself. It’s a simple exercise that I call “notice what’s in the room,” and it’s a way to practice being more present and expressive. Since it pertains to the first step in the whole “How To Warm Up” sequence (revisit the intro video if you don’t know what I mean), it’s a fundamental exercise that I highly recommend practicing daily until it comes easily and smoothly.

Check out the “Notice What’s...

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Stick Your Tongue Out (Articulation)

how to warm up Mar 01, 2018

So when I say stick your tongue out, I don’t mean in the bratty way. I mean that when you leave your tongue outside your mouth while you speak or sing, it helps you release the root of your tongue so you can articulate with more clarity and ease! 👅😝

Of course, the goofiness of the whole thing is simply an added bonus. So check out this week’s How To Warm Up video and practice leaving your tongue outside of your mouth. And just for fun… if you’ve got a good tongue twister we should all try doing...

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Breathe Through Your Mouth (Breath)

how to warm up Feb 28, 2018

Pay attention to this one, my friends, because it might be one of the best and most important things I teach!

Learn why breathing in and out through your MOUTH is actually the most natural thing to do when you’re speaking, and therefore an amazingly helpful thing to practice to cultivate to strengthen your vocal power and sound more authentic. Dive into this Breath exploration with me and see if your brain is as blown with this information as mine!!

Watch the Breathe Through Your Mouth (Breath...

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Circling (Body)

how to warm up Feb 15, 2018

Chances are really good that you’ve done some version of today’s How To Warm Up exercise before… it’s circling through all the major joints of the body. Circling is incredibly valuable because activates the fluid in our joints, and moves our bones and muscles in relationship to each other. This invites our whole body to be more moveable and follow our impulses with ease. Plus circling is simple, easy to do, and socially acceptable in most circumstances… so check this video out and let’s get circ...

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Tongue Circles (Articulation)

how to warm up Feb 07, 2018

In today’s How To Warm Up video, we’re doing a simple, awesome articulator workout that I call tongue circles. Tongue circles are a great way to give your tongue a thorough workout. What’s the value of that? Well when you understand what it feels like to reallllly engage the muscles of your tongue, it helps you understand what it feels like to let them go! And then you can be more cognizant of only using your tongue only as much as necessary during speech or singing, rather than over-engaging it...

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