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Episode 10: About passion, with Chocolako

I had the absolute pleasure of sitting directly across from my soul sister Chocolako (yes, on my microphone in Brooklyn!) to record this episode about passion. Choc is an inspiring yoga teacher and wise soul who describes herself as a “spirited glomad with African roots and a rainbow heart.” Since meeting in Bali two years ago, Choc and I have spent hours discussing our hopes, dreams, and passions in life. In the episode you’ll hear Choc share about the importance of finding passion inside your ...

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Episode 9: About fulfillment, with Jeff Kober

This week, I am deeply honored to be bringing you the voice of Jeff Kober on the How To Speak Your Truth podcast. Jeff is a meditation teacher and one of my greatest mentors. In this episode we talk about the Vedic definitions of truth and desire, and the question of how to find fulfillment in our lives (hint: no seeking required). After the conversation I thought to myself: “Well, Jeff answered our big question… we understand what truth is now, so I suppose I can stop recording episodes of this...

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Episode 8: About desire, with Elissa

This may prove to be one of the most nerve-wracking episodes to record ever. That’s for two reasons: 1) I make a full declaration of why I identify as polyamorous and 2) I recorded it live with my Speak Your Truth Membership Community (which I’ll be doing for all future solo episodes!).

August’s theme is Desire. In the episode I start by sharing the ancient Vedic perspective that true desire is not created by our ego, but rather sent by universal consciousness in order to direct us where we’re ...

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Episode 7: About dating, with Chris Davis

Meet Chris Davis. We used to date. Now we don’t, but we’re really good friends. And we were able to make that transition smoothly because we’re free to speak our truth with each other. 

In this episode you’ll hear our dating story, which includes meeting on Bumble, going on a first date at a minor league baseball game, and saying “I love you” in the first week of knowing each other. Chris and I get super honest about how we’ve navigated our connection, and share the difficult, truthful things w...

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Episode 6: About bonding, with Maya Light

How do you cultivate meaningful bonds in your relationships? 

This week I’m joined by Maya Light, one of my closest friends. Maya and I are on a journey to replace co-dependency with co-regulation. In the episode we discuss methods for creating supported relationships, knowing where your boundaries for receiving are, and the human need for closeness. We also look at attachment theory and how your early bonds can shape your relationship style in adulthood, as well as finding a balance between yo...

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Episode 5: About family, with Steven Weinzimmer

Are you able to speak your truth with your family?

Episode 5 is really special, y’all. And that’s because in this episode I speak with my own father, Steven Weinzimmer. Families often have blurred boundaries around purpose, responsibility and expectations, and my family is certainly no different. But the powerful thing is that we’re finally able to talk about it. My dad shares stories from his youth that range from romantic to tragic. We touch on shame and guilt and trauma, and how parents ofte...

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Episode 4: About independence and boundaries, with Elissa

Do you have challenges protecting your independence and creating boundaries? (Um hi, me too! 🙋‍♀️) 

In honor of 4th of July in the U.S., I’m kicking off this month with a solo episode about independence and boundaries. Moving forward every month of the podcast will have a theme, so this is our theme for the rest of July. In this episode I share some of my own struggles with creating clear boundaries, as well as my journey back to myself after a tough break-up. I also talk about one of my favori...

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Episode 3: About money, with Ashley Feinstein Gerstley

I was thrilled (and terrified, and all the things) to talk to my friend and money coach Ashley Feinstein Gerstley, founder of the Fiscal Femme, for Episode 3 of the podcast. Money is one of my greatest areas of challenge, and over the past three years Ashley has helped me do some very raw, deep, honest work around it. So in this episode, I come clean about how I’ve behaved in the past and we talk about how to come into right relationship and live your truth with your money. Ashley also shares wh...

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Episode 2: About astrology, with Virginia Rosenberg

In Episode 2 of the How To Speak Your Truth podcast, you’ll meet my friend and our resident astrologer for the podcast, Virginia Rosenberg. Virginia will be joining us once each season on the solstice and equinoxes, and we recorded this episode on Monday June 17 right after the height of the full moon in Sagittarius. In the conversation, Virginia introduces us to some basic concepts of astrology including how it can bring us into better touch with nature and the elements and can be a tool to get...

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Episode 1: About your story, with Christina Blacken

It couldn’t be more perfect that the first guest on the How To Speak Your Truth podcast is my coach and dear friend, Christina Blacken. Christina is a professional badass and storyteller… through her storytelling platform and consultancy, The New Quo, she works with individuals and organizations to help them share their stories with more confidence and clarity. This episode is REAL - Christina shares stories about how she stood up to a terrible idea at her workplace (oof, it was bad!), how she m...

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